Rules Delegates Must Strictly Adhere to During the Conference:

  • Delegates must study the Rules of Procedure in depth and follow its clauses throughout the Conference. Please contact the Conference Secretariat should any questions about the Rules of Procedure arise.
  • During plenary and committee sessions, delegates are expected, at all times, to remain in character and represent the interests and policies of the countries to which they are assigned.
  • Delegates are expected to give their full attention to the proceedings in all meetings. Passing notes during meetings could be distracting and is discouraged. Delegates should engage other delegations in discussions during breaks, informal consultations or after sessions have concluded for the day.

Dress Code:

At every official activity during the conference, delegates must dress in formal attire or western business attire (suit and tie for males and trouser suit or knee length skirt for females).


Jeans, sneakers and `hats are not allowed:

  • At the World Cultural Night, delegates must dress in Traditional attire and Dinner outfit during the Official Gala Night.
  • Any delegate found in violation of this policy will be asked by any Conference Official to return to his/her hotel room to change to the appropriate attire.


Delegation of Authority:

Delegates must obey instructions from any Conference Official, Directors or Accompanying Staff member, both inside and outside of committee sessions. Delegates who do not obey instructions will be sent out of the conference hall.


Name Badges/ Meal Tickets:

  • Delegates are required to wear identification badges (Name Tag) at all times to obtain access to all conference meetings and activities; they are the only identification recognized by the conference officials.
  • Meal tickets should be presented at serving points before food is collected
  • Delegates who do not comply with these policies will be barred from sessions.
  • Any lose of badge or Meal ticket will be replaced with a fine of N2,000.



  • During plenary and committee sessions, delegates will only be permitted to bring water into the committee room. Eating, chewing or drinking other beverages during formal meetings is prohibited. Serving of food will be closed at the end of the time allotted for each meal. Delegates are not to be found eating during any of the sessions except the time allotted for meals and tea breaks.


  • NITIMUN Conference meetings will begin on time as scheduled. All delegates must arrive at their assigned committee rooms at least 10 minutes prior to the start of their meetings. The presence of all delegates at all committee meetings is essential for ensuring productive debate during the Conference and a successful outcome. Roll call will be taken at the beginning of each session.
  • Delegate must be present during all official meetings/sessions of NITIMUN 2020.
  • Any delegate absent from any sessions without a written permission from his or her Committee Chairperson or the Secretary General will not be issued certificate of participation.



  • Delegates are not to be found loitering during any of the


Decorum at sessions/Hotel:

  • Decorum should be maintained at the various sessions by the delegates and at all times.
  • Delegates must remember that they are guests of both the hotels and NigMUNS. It is imperative that delegates must not linger in hallways, stairwells, as this may be disruptive to other delegates and hotel staff.



  • The conference schedule indicates the mandatory delegate curfew for each night. At that time delegates must be in the rooms assigned. All delegates’ rooms must be quiet and for no reason should delegates be in the hallways past this time.
  • Movements between rooms will not be tolerated. Only Directors and Conference officials will be exempted.



  • Delegates must respect the property of the Hotels, Conference Centre and Secretariat.
  • Delegates will be financially responsible for any damage to facilities that may result from their actions.
  • Any delegate found stealing will be forced to pay for any missing items at conference venues and hotel rooms.




  • Delegates using medication must bring enough supplies for the duration of the conference. Please inform conference organizers in advance of any serious allergies or health problems
  • Any delegate wishing to visit our medical team or use any of medical facilities at anytime should report to the Director or any official in charge of medicals.

Personal Relationship:

  • Delegates must treat fellow delegates, members of the Secretariat and other officials with the highest level of courtesy and respect. Please notify any member of the Secretariat if a dispute arises at any time during the Conference.
  • Diversity is a core value of the United Nations. Discrimination based on gender, colour, nationality, age, religion or disabilities is prohibited in the activities of NITIMUN conference. Please notify the Conference Secretariat if you believe any of these are being violated.
  • The delegates must be professional in their speech, actions and appearance during the conference and display respect for the opinions and ideas of fellow delegates.


  • The use of cell phones and other electronic devices will not be permitted during NITIMUN plenary and committee sessions or any other formal session during the conference.
  • Laptops may only be used during informal consultations and when drafting resolutions.
  • Any delegate found in violation of this rule will have his or her device seized by the conference officials.
  • The organizers of NITIMUN Conference are not responsible for delegates’ personal possessions. Delegates are reminded to guard their belongings.
  • Delegates should make use of only accredited photographers wearing the conference tags. NigMUNS will not entertain any complain concerning non- accredited photographers.


The Role of Accompanying Staff:

  • The accompanying staff for each school may make additional rules for their delegations for which they are responsible. Accompanying staff cannot exempt any of their students from the points outlined in this Code of Conduct.
  • Accompanying staff members are responsible for their own students and are to ensure their students are ready on time for the conference programmes and for meals.
  • It is also their responsibility to ensure that their students behave well and adhere to all aspects of the conference rules and Code of Conduct.
  • Accompanying staff members must, themselves, abide by the Code of Conduct at all times.



The Secretariat of NITIMUN reserves the right to expel, without refund, any delegation or delegate whose conduct is inappropriate, disruptive, in violation of the code of conduct/rules of procedure, or which otherwise threatens the functioning of the conference. NITIMUN shall not be limited to any remedy deemed necessary for addressing delegate misconduct. Delegates are solely responsible for their acts and NITIMUN will not be liable for any infraction or injury resulting from violations of the standards of conduct. By participating in the conference, the delegate agrees to abide by applicable rules, regulations, laws, and standards.

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